Business VOIP Solutions

VoIP Solutions and PBX Services

Looking to reduce the cost of your telephone calls or improve the way your business communicates with others? Carfone has the right VoiP offer you require.

What is VoiP?

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoiP, is a form of IP Telephony. This involves the sending of calls, faxes or SMS over the Internet, instead of the traditional telephone networks, such as those provided by Telkom. VoiP allows users to send voice call or video messages over the Internet. It also allows setting up a Web-based conference meeting, turning a desktop computer or laptop into a telephone.

Why use VoiP?

Using VoiP is cheaper than traditional copper lines, since calls are routed over existing networks rather than having to create new ones, cutting down your monthly bills.  In addition, many features that traditional services charge extra for are available for free or at lower costs from open source VoiP providers.

Since VoiP is Internet-based, there are no taxes or regulatory fees to be paid.  Plus, making international calls is much cheaper since it does not matter where the person you are calling to is in the world.

VoiP is also more flexible.  Multiple calls can be sent over the Internet at once and creating a secure call is less of a hassle than on traditional lines.  You can also link up you VoiP connection with other Web-based services such as E-mail.  Businesses can use VoiP to better manage communication, which helps them with the bottom line.

What do I need to use VoiP?

To use VoiP you need:

A broadband connection.

A cable modem or a high speed service such as Fibre and local area network (LAN).

How do I get Voip?

Carfone offers a variety of affordable VoiP packages to get you started.

Clear and reliable voice communications are essential for any business. Carfone, we deploy straightforward, effective and secure voice solutions. These are based on Internet Protocol (IP), literally plugging into your business.

Our voice solutions are tailor-made to fit your size organisation and budget, as well as reducing your costs while increasing reliability and uptime.

Holding interconnected agreements with major telephone operators means  that we can offer reduced call rates. We also offer free geographic number porting and hassle-free installation.

Our guaranteed service provides you with peace of mind that our products will never let you down.

Most suitable for:

  1. Businesses wanting to save money.
  2. Connecting to a network without purchasing a new PBX.
  3. Clients wishing to port their numbers

Beneficial Features

  • Reduced telephone bills: Per second billing from the first second.
  • Increased Capacity: With VoIP you can increase and decrease telephony capacity by using software and bandwidth.
  • Complete Mobility: You can make or receive calls from anywhere, provided you have an Internet connection.
  • Scalability: More than one phone call can be transmitted over one broadband line. Additional call capacity can be added by increasing the size of the Internet line.
  • Number Porting: You can port your current number.
  • Number for Life: Contact Numbers are issued for life, no matter the company that is supplying your connectivity.

 Also see: IP PBX Switchboard Solutions