Vandag strek IOT veel verder as ‘n pratende voertuig van die 90’s. Ons het slimfone, slimhuise, slimhorlosies, rookverklikkers, selfs slim stede word nou al gebou…
Author: carfoneha7

IOT – Internet of Things
Today, IOT stretches way further than a talking vehicle from the 90s. We have smart phones, smart homes, smart watches, smoke detectors, even smart cities are being built.

Konnektiwiteit (Die wêreld in u hande)
Groot en klein besighede baat die meeste wanneer dit kom by konnektiwiteit. Om jou katalogus op ‘n webwerf te hê of deur aanlyn sosiale media beïnvloeders te bevorder, trek baie openbare oë na u produk toe, wat dan na inkomste verander deur produk en diens verkope.

The power of connectivity
This century brought many unique and surprising gadgets to us all, from voice activated home entertainment systems like Alexa, to lighting fast fiber internet speeds from Carfone. We are blessed to live in an era where the world is literally in our hands.

Beste internet keuse vir u?
Waar begin ek met hierdie interesante onderwerp? Om die regte internet diens te kies is soos om ‘n eerste, of volgende voertuig te kies. Daar is baie verskillende internet instellings op die mark, byvoorbeeld: Fiber internet, Asimmetriese digitale intekenaarlyn (Adsl) en draadlose dienste soos 4G/5G. Vir die rede is ‘n bietjie navorsing baie belangrik.

Best internet choice for you?
Choosing the correct internet service is a lot like choosing your first or next vehicle. There are many different setups when it comes to internet on the market, for example, fiber optic internet, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (Adsl) and wireless services like 4G/5G. A little research goes along way.

Gaan fiber en 5G hand aan hand vir tuis en sake gebruikers?
Die woorde ‘verbonde wees’ het ʼn heel ander betekenis in die 21ste eeu. Meeste mense besit deesdae een of ander tipe mobiele toestel, wat hulle die vermoë gee om altyd met geliefdes,vriende of kliënte in kontak te wees, enige plek in die wereld.

Do fiber and 5G go hand in hand for home and business users?
The words ‘being connected’ have a completely different meaning in the 21st century. Most people own some sort of mobile device these days, which give them the ability to always be connected with loved ones, friends or clients anywhere in the world.

Where Did Fiber Optic Cables Come From?
As I sipped my coffee one morning, a random thought popped into my head. How did fiber optic cables come into existence? Most of the world uses it in their day to day lives, but where did it come from? After reading some articles on the topic, I was amazed to find that fiber optic existed even before I was born.

Advancements In Fiber Optic Networks
Each year there are leaps of advancements in technology within several fields. A good example of this is the research done into Fiber optic networks, which shows just how fast the world’s technology is advancing into the 21st century. Even some of the most rural areas in the world are gaining access…